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时间:2023-06-18 实用申请书


I wish my family can be safe and healthy, and everything goes well.~~我想你一定对这句话感兴趣,请你阅读栏目小编辑为你编辑整理的《励志的英文句子简短的51条》,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读本文。


2、Every person who is invincible to all kinds of poisons has never been saved.

3、The secret of happiness is: interest interest as much as possible expansion of the reaction as well-intentioned as possible rather than malicious.快乐的秘诀是:让兴趣尽可能地扩张,对人对物的反应尽可能出自善意而不是恶意的兴趣。

4、Tears, is to clean the eyes, let us see the truth.

5、A leopard cannot change its spots. 积习难改。


7、I want to give you treasure, but you despise.

8、Friends, I wish you take care of your health, peace and happiness!

9、Send you a wisp of breeze, may you smell the fragrance of flowers.


11、What can be easily lost is indeed no regret.

12、I hope that the e doeday, things ise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. 对自己承诺:我要强大到任何事情都无法破坏我内心的平和。

13、Love myself is my pride, how to show off when I lose myself.


15、Classic also have first.

16、今天的优势会被明天的趋势所取代。Today's advantage will be replaced by the trend of tomorrow。



19、一无所有是一种财富,它让穷人产生改变命运的冲动。Nothing is a kind of wealth, it makes the poor have changed the fate of the impulse。

20、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。(行动胜过语言)



23、There is no eternal night in the world, no eternal winter in the world.

24、Give me a good morning, let me know there are you today.

25、The tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but slight experience, and those who are experienced have feeble imagination.世界的悲剧就在于有想象力的人缺乏经验,而有经验的人缺乏想象力。

26、To be attached to one thing and to look down upon other thing as inferior--this wise men call a fetter.

27、Than it was dark and I am more afraid of ghost you sad frown.

28、Believe in yourself, and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

29、we often ignore those we love,but love who ignore us.


31、Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope.

32、The less you know, the happier you are, and the more you think, the sadder you are.


34、Often things change people, but people cant change things.

35、May you live up to the spring, healthy and happy.

36、The city is windy and lonely people always come home late.

37、Where there is life, there is hope.有生命必有希望。 伤感的句子 好词佳句


39、Franois Rabelais: A child is not a vase to filled but a fire to be lit.法国作家拉伯雷:孩子不是一个需要你灌水的瓶子,而是一堆等着你点燃的火焰。

40、Good morning, my friend. Its getting colder and colder. Please take care of yourself!

41、Cold weather, please remember to take care of your body, the warmest blessing to you!

42、Wish you good luck, good luck and good health!

43、No matter how dark the moment,love and hope are always possible.无论眼前有多黑暗,爱和希望总有可能。


45、Because I want to win, so you have to lose, you have to cry.

46、I wish you a smooth career and a high achievement step by step.

47、Looking back on the bleak place, back, there is no rain and no clear.



50、An ill workman quarrels with his tools. 不会撑船怪河弯。

51、I wish my family can be safe and healthy, and everything goes well.
